Remembering a Life Well Lived with a Generous Gift

“MMBB was very important to Bill. He was always so appreciative of the guidance they gave as he prepared for retirement.” These are the words Mary Thomas used as she reminisced about her late husband, the Reverend Dr. William R. Thomas, and her recent gift to the MMBB Endowment.

The Reverend Thomas became an MMBB member in 1974. Early in his ministry, he and Mary recognized that financial wellness would be foundational in enabling them to focus on their call to serve the body of Christ.

After a fruitful career in ministry—during which Bill served as a chaplain and pastor in Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey and West Virginia—the Thomases enthusiastically led a local Bible study and became MMBB supporters, their love for serving others as strong as ever.

After the Reverend Thomas went home to be with the Lord in 2019, Mary wanted to extend his legacy of fruitful service. A longtime Heritage of Sharing supporter, she also chose to make an outright gift to the MMBB Endowment. “I want to honor Bill’s memory in giving. MMBB is trustworthy to take what I give and use it for the best possible need,” Mary remarked. “I have a lot of faith in MMBB.”

The endowment, which functions as the engine of philanthropy, keeps MMBB financially secure and supports the entire suite of non-contractual benefits, which is how MMBB gives back. Each year, more than two-thirds of the annual drawdown dedicated to these benefits goes to medical subsidies, emergency assistance and general assistance grants to eligible members and/or their surviving spouses.

Ready to Make Your Forever Gift?

To join Mary Thomas in making an outright cash gift or planned gift to the MMBB Endowment, please contact Lisa Marie Gerondeau at (212) 870-8007 or